Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wow Northrend Leveling Speed : Reasons Why Eve Online Private Servers Don't Exist

Wow Northrend Leveling Speed : Reasons Why Eve Online Private Servers Don't Exist

Wow Northrend Leveling Speed : Reasons Why Eve Online Private Servers Don't Exist - CCP Games title EVE Online is run on one of the biggest clustered super computers on the planet, with five thousand star systems and one or two million unique objects in play at any one timeheir server system is so powerful that they schedule a 60 minutes down time really day to run backups, and the system can Deal with up to 25,000 players ( and occasionally more ) without collapsinghanks to the huge size of the database that players engage with, EVE Online doesnt lend itself to private server play, and there usually are not any EVE Online private serversn huge part, the absence of EVE Online private servers is a good for the final play of the gameots of the appeal of playing EVE Online is the genuine number of players working at the same time on the universeecause EVE Online runs on a single cluster, There is certainly never a choice, like in World of Warcraft, or town of Heroes, to choose which server you're going to be on based mostly on the server your pals are onou are either ... [Read More - Wow Northrend Leveling Speed]

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Mist of Pandaria (one-90) Leveling Guides - Dugi Guides

Wow Northrend Leveling Speed : Reasons Why Eve Online Private Servers Don't Exist

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